This is my new ride. Its a blue ( and its aluminium!
Some might say that this is quite a downgrade from the full carbon beast I'd been riding up until now but its stiff, responsive, fast and above all else it fits me superbly. I couldn't be happier with it. It is equipped with a full 2006 record group and the zipps have a powertap hub threaded into the rear. Both wheels have 28 spokes which suits me fine. All in all its a little heavier than the EMC2 but for a sprinter its fantastic.
I've never really ridden an aluminuim bike before.
I went straight from a steel columbus genius frame (with 7 spd superbe pro components) to the full carbon EMC2 (10spd record) after the steel machine got tangled up underneath a car. So after riding the aluminium blue for about 2 weeks now I must say I'm very impressed. It is so well balanced and super stiff under power. Carbon stays, forks and seat pillar still give me a comfortabble ride too. I'm definately a convert. Why spend $2500+ for a top carbon frame when you can get yourself a sizzling aluminium rocket for well under $1000. Truthfully though the EMC is a good bike, it is just too small for me and was doing my back in. Look out for Hayden Richards on it.
This is Keren's blue RC7. Its carbon and its dirty. I guess sponsored riders don't have to clean their bikes. It's a bit small for me to test ride but I did have the privilege of loaning a new RC8 - the latest carbon offering from blue. It has a new fork design and a snazzy paint job. The ride was sweet and it was much lighter than my aluminium model - even with it's chorus groupset. Christian had it kitted up with some open pro wheels too. A damn good choice if you ask me. I didn't quite get around to testing with the powertap nor did I do any big sprints on it which I think Christian is quite relieved about. Keren races on some sharp looking DT Swiss wheels. They are as light as anything and miles better than ksyriums plus they are the best looking wheels around. She won't let me ride them either. Something to do with me being hard on them with my extra 40kg.